Saturday, April 2, 2022

VEdyO vaidya: sadAyOgI

VEdyO vaidya: sadAyOgI veerahA mAdhavO madhu: | 
AteendriyO mahAmAyO mahOtsAhO mahAbala: || 

VEdya: -- By His incarnations He makes Himself known to devotees. 

Vaidya: -- He is the greatest doctor who knows how to cure the disease of worldliness. 

SadAyOgI -- He is always awake for the protection of devotees. 

VeerahA -- He always vanquishes the valiant on the evil side. 

MAdhava: -- He is the propounder of Brahma Vidya. 

Madhu: -- He is the honey so dear to His devotees. 

Ateendriya: -- He is beyond the reach of the senses. 

MahAmAya: -- He is everywhere but due to HIs maya of gunas He is not seen by anybody. 

MahOtsAha: -- He is always full of enthusiasm in the act of creation, so that the Jivas may attain knowledge and reach Him. 

MahAbala: -- He is so strong that the whole universe is borne by Him as His body. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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