Friday, April 1, 2022

BhrAjishnur bhOjanam bhOktA

BhrAjishnur bhOjanam bhOktA sahishNur jagadAdija: | 
AnaghO vijayO jEtA viswayOni: punarvasu: || 

BhrAjishnu: -- The devotees meditating on Him is only a gesture which shows their true earnestness. He Himself does everything for the communion and reveals Himself with full effulgence. 

BhOjanam -- He is the supreme immortal feast for His devotees, inexhaustible and never satiating. 

BhOktA -- He feasts upon the true love of His devotees. 

SaahishNu: -- He always has a nature of overlooking the faults committed on the part of devotees and He always looks to their sincerity. 

JagadAdija: -- In order to incarnate Himself whenever acute call arises from the beings of the world, He took the primemost avatar of Vishnu, forming part of the three Murtis. 

Anagha: -- To be born in the world will entail sin. But in His incarnation by being born He dispels sin from the world. 

Vijaya: -- Not only as Vishnu He protects but He is cooperative along with Brahma and Rudra in the functions of creation and destruction. 

JEtA -- He always excels in His dealings and relationships. 

ViswayOni: -- Creation of elements in pure form is called Samashti, which is done by Him even before the advent of Brahma. Creation with elements in their mixed state is called Vyashti which, according to the Shrutis, is done by Hiranyagarbha or Brahma. But even in that creation Vishnu stands as the inherent cause all along. 

Punarvasu: -- Not only does He reside in all the created beings as their Antaryami, but in each and every being created now and in the future He stands as their innermost soul. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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