Monday, April 11, 2022

Udbhava: kshObhaNO dEva:

Udbhava: kshObhaNO dEva: srigarbha: paramEswara: | 
karaNam kAraNam kartA vikartA gahanO guha: || 

Udbhava: -- Meditating on His great life as avataras our samsaric bonds are cut asunder and the Jiva is bestowed mukti. 

KshObhaNa: -- Even irreligious people feel tremors and fears and undergo changing experiences in their lives and thereby are completely transformed. He causes such changes in them out of grace. 

DEva: -- Those who remain adamantly worldly He binds them by His maya and let them undergo various experiences. He just plays with them. 

Srigarbha: -- He has Lakshmi always present in Him in all His cosmic functions. 

ParamEswara: -- Actually the ever-presence of the Divine Mother in Him signifies Him as the Supreme God. 

KaraNam -- To reach Him He Himself is the only sadhana. 

KAraNam -- He is all types of causes in the creation of universe. 

KartA -- He is the real doer and the agent of action in all activities. The actions do not touch Him.

VikartA -- But the sufferings and sorrow of the devotees touch Him deeply. 

Gahana: -- He so much identifies Himself with our plight but we in ignorance do not see His presence. 

Guha: -- He resides as AntaryAmi, (inner soul) in the caves of our hearts. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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