Tuesday, April 12, 2022

SvApana: svavasO vyApee

SvApana: svavasO vyApee naikAtmA naikakarmakrut | 
vatsarO vatsalO vatsee ratnagarbhO dhanEswara: || 

SvApana: -- Those who are resistant to any teaching, He makes them enchanted by His sweet smiles, lulls their anti attitude and brings them over to goodness. 

Svavasa: -- He is always master of Himself so that any attempt of asura-maya does not have any effect on Him. 

VyApee -- He is all pervading, pervading even those very asuras. 

NaikAtmA -- In one way in creation He as it were has become various different beings in various forms. 

Naikakarmakrut -- Not one but many multifarious functions He does without being touched by any action. 

Vatsara: -- He resides in all beings and makes the beings enjoy their results. 

Vatsala: -- His love towards His devotees is like the cow's passionate longing for its calves. 

Vatsee -- He is always surrounded by devotees who have surrendered themselves to Him. 

Ratnagarbha: -- He has not only inexhaustible stores of wealth but He has immense spiritual wealth which He gives His devotees maturing them to receive such gifts. 

DhanEswara: -- He is quick in giving wealth because He is the Lord of all wealth and His love is immense. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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