Saturday, April 2, 2022

UpEndrO vAmana: prAmsu:

UpEndrO vAmana: prAmsu: amOgha: suchirUrjita: | 
Ateendra: sangraha: sargO dhrutAtmA niyamO yama: || 

UpEndra: -- Sri Adisankara says Upendra signifies one who is greater than Indra. Sri Parasara Bhattar says Upendra signifies Sri Krishna who was consecrated as Indra at Brindavan and this goes well with the name following Punarvasu which signifies Sri Rama. 

VAmana: -- He is preamble to comprehend the whole universe in three measures. He is the Atman residing here in our hearts, who should be reverently worshipped. 

PrAmsu: -- He grew tall by becoming humble. 

AmOgha: -- Whatever He does never goes without a purpose. 

Suchi: -- He is always pure and never expects anything in return. 

Urjita: -- He is of immeasurable strength. 

Ateendra: -- He is beyond the grasp of even Indra. 

Sangraha: -- He who is easily reached. 

Sarga: -- Not satisfied by placing His feet on all things comprehending them all under His grace, He takes form so that He can be easily grasped by His devotees. 

DhrutAtmA -- By thus giving His whole soul, He wins over and protects even the stray souls. 

Niyama: -- He is the controller from outside of all beings. 

Yama: -- He is the inner controller also. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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