Saturday, April 16, 2022

SuvarNavarNO hEmAngO

SuvarNavarNO hEmAngO varAnga: chandanAngadee | 
veerahA vishaama: sUnyO ghrutAsee: achalachchala: || 

SuvarNavarNa: -- His clour is golden hue throughout. 

HEmAnga: -- His form radites with golden rays. 

VarAnga: -- Each and every limb of His body is so bewitching and superlatively beautiful. 

ChandanAngadee -- His ornaments are enchanting by His beauty. 

VeerahA -- He does not spare anybody god or demon or humans who choose the side of evil. 

Vishama: -- Sri Krishna does differentiate. When? When haughty persons approach Him with treacherous designs or harm the devotees He deals with them ruthlessly. Whereas He melts in kindness when approached by sincere and pious souls. 

SUnya: -- He has no worldly qualities in Him, no worldly attitudes to identify with for the worldly persons. So He sometimes looks like emptiness in the eyes of the worldly. 

GhrutAsee: -- He is so childlike that He loves very much the butter and ghee churned by devotees. This is for the reason that He has to maintain some innocent likes to remain aware of the world. Otherwise His ecstatic nature will buoy Him up to transcendent states. ( compare Sri Ramakrishna) 

Achala: -- He is always unchangingly rooted and firm in His swarupa. 

Chala: -- But He seems to be all speed and movement when the occasion rises to protect His devotees. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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