Tuesday, April 12, 2022

VistAra: sthAvarasthANu:

VistAra: sthAvarasthANu: pramANam beejamavyayam | 
arthO S narthO mahAkOsO mahAbhOgO mahAdhana: || 

VistAra: -- He is more extensive than the extending cosmos. He is the extensive and real ethics for the Jivas. 

SthAvarasthANu: -- He is the unchanging and permanent purport of the ethics. 

PranaNam -- Since He is the ultimate principle of consciousness He is the fundamental authority of epistemology. 

Beejamavyayam -- He is the changeless core-being of everything which knows no decay. 

Artha: -- He is the supreme result to be earnestly wished for. 

Anartha: -- But to those steeped in worldliness He carries no meaning or value. 

MahAkOsa: -- There are many splendours in spirituality which no sastras have known. He possesses them all. 

MahAbhOga: -- He is the most wonderful and transcendent enjoyment for the Jivas. 

MahAdhana: -- He is the supreme inexhaustible wealth of spirituality. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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