Thursday, April 14, 2022

VEdhA: svAngO s jita: krushNO

VEdhA: svAngO S jita: krishNO druda: sankarshaNO S chyuta: | 
varuNO vAruNO vruksha: pushkarAkshO mahAmanA: || 

VEdhA: -- He is the supreme providence for beings. 

SvAnga: -- He who is signified by all characteristics of sovereignty. 

Ajita: -- He is the supreme master of the place unconquered by anything, viz., Vaikunta. 

KrishNa: -- His colour is that of the dark blue ripe rain cloud, signifying His infinity and spontaneous grace. 

Druda: -- Even though He is transcendent He assumes tangible form to help the devotees see Him. 

SankarshaNa: -- He absorbs all matter and souls unto Himself in pralaya. 

Achyuta: -- He never undergoes any change and remains always the same. 

VaruNa: -- He has enveloped the whole world. 

VAruNa: -- He reclines on Varuna, the ocean. 

Vruksha: -- He is the wonderful tree which gives the shade of liberation from miseries and fruits of eternal life. 

PushkarAksha: -- He gives by His graceful eyes nourishment and spiritual growth to devotees. 

MahAmanA: -- He is a great mind that rejoices more and more when His devotees advance in spirituality. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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