Monday, April 18, 2022

AdhAranilayO s dhAtA

AdhAranilayO S dhAtA pushpahAsa: prajAgara: | 
Urdhvaga: satpathAchAra: prANada: praNava: paNa: || 

AdhAranilaya: -- He is the basic support and residing place for all existing things. 

DhAtA -- He Himself practices the moksha marga and thereby gives confidence to aspiring souls. 

PushpahAsa: -- The whole divine activity of creation of the world or the blossoming of the soul to perfection is all just a flower blossoming. It is so silent and salient. (perhaps we have to rethink on the word 'bigbang'.) 

PrajAgara: -- He is like a farmer, day and night protecting the crops. His crops are souls which must grow from seed level to ripe perfection. 

Urdhvaga: -- He is ever awake not because to protect Himself but to protect the souls. 

SatpathAchAra: -- The reason why He practices great spiritual sadhanas when He comes down among us is not for Himself. He is the goal of all sadhanas. Then why He should as an ordinary sadhaka do all ptractices? It is to create interest, enthusiasm and confidence in the hearts of hapless souls like us. 

PrANada: -- When the whole world is steeped in materialism and the spiritual craving is almost dead, He infuses fresh life into the hearts of simple souls. 

PraNava: -- The whole secret of why He does like this is contained in a single letter-word, namely Pranava. The meaning of Pranava is this: 'The soul belongs to and only belongs to Bhagavan as His own body and it is He who must protect the soul.' 

PaNa: -- What currency or what exchange can buy this for us? Nothing. He and His Grace are the only Divine Exchange that purchases our safety. Nothing in us can qualify us or claim His protection. It is His own causeless spontaneous grace on the basis of His relationship to the soul, which is the implication of Pranava. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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