Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dharmagub dharmakrut dharmee

Dharmagub dharmakrut dharmee sadasat ksharam aksharam | 
avijnAtA sahasrAmsu: vidhAtA krutalakshaNa: || 

Dharmagup -- He protects the cosmic order and the order of our human living. 

Dharmakrut -- Immature human minds think disorder as freedom. He makes our human minds mature enough to realise the intrinsic connection between order and free development of beings. 

Dharmee -- He is the real dharma. 

Sat -- He is existence and through Him all things exist. 

Asat -- If we think only manifest things are existing then even the unmanifest potential, which we tend to think as non-existing, is also He Himself in a subtle form. (NammAzhvAr) 

Sat aksharam -- His existence is necessary, unconditional, unlimited and infinite. 

Asat ksharam -- The things which come into existence and disappear derive their existence only out of Him and to enable such accidental and conditioned existences He exists as the necessary and permanent existence always. 

AvijnAtA -- After surrendering to Him we may be afraid of our unexpected faults due to our imperfection. But He always sees our sincerity and devotion and does not consider our inadvertent faults. 

SahasrAmsu: -- We may be wondering if He does not see our unfortunate mistakes how then He is omniscient? This name answers that. He is all knowing in all directions and all time. Because of that complete knowing He knows already what mistakes we will be committing on the path of our development. It is His grace that overlooks and always concentrates on our becoming more and more perfect. 

VidhAtA -- He is the real dispenser of justice for any and each being. 

KrutalakshaNa: -- This mercy on the erring-soul is induced in Him because of the presence of Sri in His chest as Srivatsam. Even this mercy flows towards only those who are true and sincere and repenting. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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