Friday, April 15, 2022

MahAkramO mahAkarmA

MahAkramO mahAkarmA mahAtEjA mahOraga: | 
mahAkratur mahAyajvA mahAyajnO mahAhavi: || 

MahAkrama: -- According to Sri Parasara Bhattar -- 'He out of His grace maintains a process of development for the soul. It starts from the change of attitude from hatred towards anything divine to one of acceptance of the divine. Then comes involvement in practicing the instructions, then comes the desire of following great jnanis, then the dawn of knowledge and devotion to Him. Maintaining these gradual steps of reclaiming the soul is meant by this wonderful name MahAkrama:' 

MahAkarma: -- He does this wonderful task of transforming the soul from being steeped in worldliness to the highest state of paramabhakti. 

MahAtEjA -- By His great brilliance and prowess He dispels the ignorance of the Jiva. 

MahOraga: -- Uraga means heart also. Even in the state of ignorance He out of His motherliness resides in the heart of the Jivas to goad them towards liberation. 

MahAkratu: -- To please Him this Jiva can do japa of His name and sing His praises. Japa yajna is considered as the great kratu: 

MahAyajvA -- In no other sacrifice to any other deva will a doer become great himself by doing yajnas. But in doing japa and singing His praises the doer is becoming greater and greater. 

MahAyajna: -- Yajna is aradhana or worship of the devas. Worshipping Vishnu is the best yajna. Chanting His name is the best yajna. 

MahAhavi: -- In yajna, the offering made is called havis. In japa yajna, chanting His name, the havis is one's own self. Self-surrender is the great havis to Him. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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