Saturday, April 16, 2022

AmAnee mAnadO mAnyO

AmAnee mAnadO mAnyO lOkaswAmee trilOkadhrut | 
sumEdhA mEdhajO dhanya: satyamEdhA dharAdhara: || 

AmAnee -- Since He is the inner Atman in all beings He likes to do even little things for devotees as if caring for one's own body. 

MAnada: -- Even though He does everything, He likes to give great credit for devotees even for small things they do. 

MAnya: -- He rejoices if He is spoken of as being dependent on devotees. 

LOkaswAmee -- It is the beauty of it that He, the Supreme Master of all the worlds, is acting of His own accord in the case of devotees. 

TrilOkadhrut -- It is beyond human understanding why He, being the support and one who bears all the three worlds, is behaving so simply and is so accessible. 

SumEdhA -- He always thinks highly and favorably regarding the matters of devotees. 

MEdhaja: -- When the devotees sincerely pang for Him, He takes birth among them. 

Dhanya: -- Even while being born among Bhaktas, He thinks Himself so honoured and fortunate. 

SatyamEdhA: -- While thinking like that He does not do condescendingly but He is totally sincere and true. 

DharAdhara: -- Very naturally He does miracles like lifting Govardhan and protecting the cattle and cowherds. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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