Friday, April 15, 2022

KAlanEmi nihA veera:

KAlanEmi nihA sUra: sauri: sUra janEswara: | 
trilOkAtmA trilOkEsa: kEsava: kEsihA hari: || 

KAlanEminihA -- He by His presence in the temples destroys the blemish of avidya or ignorance, whcih is characteristic of this cycle of time, viz., Kali. 

SUra: -- He is powerful and unfailing against evil forces. 

Sauri: -- He was born as the son of Vasudeva of Suravamsa. 

SUrajanEswara: -- He  is the supreme master of valiant heroes. 

TrilOkAtmA -- He is the inner soul of all the three worlds. 

TrilOkEsa: -- He is the inner controller of all the three worlds. 

KEsava: -- According to Sri Adisankara -- 'The energies of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva are called Kesa. He is the Lord of those energies. .. Harivamsa is quoted by Sri Adisankara ' Siva saying to Vishnu : 'Ka is Brahma and Isa is myself. We came into being as your amsas. Hence you are called Kesava.'' 

Sri Parasara Bhattar also gives the same quotation and also says Kesava is remover of miseries. (Sri Nammalvar says : 'Uttering the name Kesava destroys all hurdles' 

KEsihA -- He is the destroyer of demons like Kesi. 

Hari: -- He is enchantingly green-hued and destroys avidya. He is invoked in all Vedic sacrifices. (He is like a great mountain of green with reddish mouth like corals -- Sri Tondaradippodi Alvar) 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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