tattvam tattva vidEkAtmA janma mrutyu jarAtiga: ||
PramANam -- We tend to forget our original relationship with Him. He is to be known through sastras. But He alone remains as the unforgetting pramana, reference, for our relationship and saves us.
PrANanilaya: -- We all but retire unto Him at the end of day when we go to sleep. But we do not know that unless we wake up to the truth.
PrANabhrut -- It is He who bears our life in our sleep and unconscious moments.
PrANajeevana: -- He is the life and the life-breath in us all along.
Tattvam -- He is the only Reality that is out there or in here. All other souls and matter exist dependent on Him.
Tattvavit -- He alone knows about that Tattva or reality of Himself.
EkAtmA -- He is the sole ultimate inner soul of everything.
JanmamrutyujarAtiga: -- He pervades the whole universe of things and beings. But He is not tainted by the changes that happen in living beings like birth, old age, death.
Srirangam Mohanarangan
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