Wednesday, March 30, 2022

ApramEyO hrusheekEsa:

ApramEyO hrusheekEsa: padmanAbhOSmaraprabhu: | 
viswakarmA manustvashtA stavishthas sthavirO dhruva: || 

ApramEya: -- He is not known through perception, or inference or other means since He cannot be objectified. 

HrusheekEsa: -- But He is the controller of all the senses and the mind. Only because of Him they do their functions. 

PadmanAbha: -- The whole creation is a Lotus having His navel as the origin. Sri Adisankara quotes Taittriya Samhita which says, 'in the navel of the Unborn all these established'

Amaraprabhu: -- He is the Lord of Ever-living. 

ViswakarmA -- He fashions this universe even before Hiranyagarbha (Brahma) comes to function. 

Manu: -- Since all thinking and mantras come from Him He is called Manu. 

TvashtA -- He is the architect of this universe giving it names and forms. 

Stavishtha: -- Not only He is subtle but He is all comprehensively gross. 

Sthavira: -- But He is unaffected by any change and remains always existent. 

Dhruva: -- Through all evolution and involution He remains firm and unchanging. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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