Thursday, March 31, 2022

Aja:sarvEswara: siddha:

Aja: sarvEswara: siddha: siddhi: sarvAdirachyuta: | 
VrushAkapiramEyAtmA sarvayOgavini:sruta: || 

Aja: -- He is never born by karma and He resides in the hearts of devotees giving them knowledge and destroying their sins. 

SarvEswara: -- He is the great controller of all things and He enjoys the company of HIs devotees. 

Siddha: -- He is always ready and accessible to His earnest devotees. 

Siddhi: -- He is the ultimate goal to be reached and the greatest result to be gained. 

SarvAdi: -- He is the source of all the ends and fruits to be gained. 

Achyuta: -- He never gives up His devotees nor does He allow HIs devotees to be lost to Him. 

VrushAkapi: -- He is Dharma incarnate and He assumed the form of a Boar to lift this Earth up from floods to make it a clean land. 

AmEyAtmA -- His compassion to the beings and to His devotees cannot be measured. 

SarvayOgavini:sruta: -- He is easily attained if approached with real devotion, through all paths, whether in the prescribed manner or spontaneous involvement. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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