Tuesday, March 29, 2022

SvayambhU: sambhur Aditya:

SavayambhUssambhurAditya: pushkarAkshO mahAswana: | 
anAdinidhanO dhAtA vidhAtA dhAturuttama: || 

SvayambhU: -- He takes birth in this world of His own accord out of grace with the intention of saving the devotees. 

Sambhu: -- He gives delight to His devotees by His appearance, looks and great qualities. 

Aditya: -- He is the Supreme Soul residing in the Sun. He is one of the twelve adityas. 

PushkarAksha: -- His eyes are Lotus-like. 

MahAswana: -- He forms the essence of the tone of Gayatri mantra. 

AnAdinidhana: -- He is symbolically represented by the physical Sun. But He alone forms the real Sun of Spirituality shining in the hearts for ever and dispelling the darkness of ignorance. 

DhAtA -- For the creation to happen the spiritual potency must initially be made involved into the deep layers of matter and hence the evolution is nothing but the release of the spirit in various stages. He is called DhAtA since He makes it possible by depositing the seed of spirituality into the womb of matter. 

VidhAtA -- And again He makes this initial deposit of souls to grow into the form of Hiranyagarbha, who is nothing but the matrix of souls. 

DhAturuttama: -- Hence He is called far greater than Hiranyagarbha: i.e. Brahma. 

Srirangam Mohanarangan 


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